Wednesday 30 May 2012

Pictures From the (very recent) Archives: London Blitz I have been planning a project for a while now based on sports which are huge in their home country but are niche sports here in the UK. My wife plays rollerderby with the London Rollergirls which gave me the original idea, and i immediately started thinking about expanding it out into other sports. I became aware of the London Blitz Junior American Football team, and spoke to their coach about shooting some of the guys. This is part one, and in a couple of weeks i'll be shooting some action shots on the football field.
I shot the portraits in the team changing rooms, which had a great, grungy feel, even if it was a tight squeeze getting all the lights in place. Then at the end of the training session i had a couple of minutes or less with each player, which as they were all incredibly co operative, professional and friendly was plenty to get some good shots. Here's a selection of the shots, i'm looking forward to shooting part two...

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